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English poet, playwright, and actor (1564–1616)

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Czech poet, traveller, playwright, lawyer and writer

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Czech poet, theater reviewer, publicist, journalist and writer (1834-1891)

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Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)

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Czech theologian, philosopher and preacher

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Czech statesman, playwright, and former dissident, the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first president of the Czech Republic (1936–2011)

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Czech philosopher, historian, publicist and writer (1798-1876)

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Czech teacher, educator, philosopher and writer (1592-1670)

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Czech humorist, satirist, writer and anarchist (1883-1923)

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Czech poet, prose writer, playwright, politician and political writer (1877-1931)

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Czech poet, publicist and bookwriter

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Czechoslovak politician, statesman, sociologist and philosopher (1850-1937); first Czechoslovak president

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