Czechoslovak arabist, traveller, geographer, orientalist, writer and Roman Catholic priest (1868-1944)
More about...Czech baroque writer, philosopher, historian, linguist, religion writer, educator, writer, science writer and roman catholic priest
More about...Czech archeologist, art historian, theologist, university educator and roman catholic priest
More about...Narozen 15.7.1871 ve Vlkonicích u Horažďovic, zemřel 31.10.1947 v Praze. Katolický kněz, literární kritik a historik, zpočátku též prozaik a(...)
More about...Czech hebraist, literature historian, religion writer, translator, writer, science writer and roman catholic priest
More about...Czech minister of education, youth and sport of the CR, linguist and roman catholic priest
More about...Czech historian, professor, theologist, university educator and roman catholic priest (1890-1954)
More about...Czech priest, religion writer, professor, publicist, theologist and university educator
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