La Eneida como utopía regeneradora: Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
- Statement of Responsibility:
García Jurado, Francisco
- Main Author:
- Format:
Journal article
- Language:
Spanish; Castilian
- Form / Genre:
text (article)
- Published:
- In:
Studia philologica valentina ISSN 1135-9560 Nº. 16, 2014 (Ejemplar dedicado a: De republica instituenda: Les utopies polítiques clàssiques en la construcció de la societat moderna), pags. 51-68
- Subjects:
- Annotation:
In this paper we analyze the keys of a peculiar reading concerning to the way a social thinker like Pierre-Joseph Proudhon could read Virgil's Aeneid in the idea of a work that inaugurated a new historical cycle. According to a guideline of the literary Historiography of that time, i.e., the dichotomy between progress and social and literary decadence, the author defended the revolutionary ability of some kind of Literature to promote social progress and palingenesis. We consider this particular interpretation as a utopian reading of regeneration.