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Victor Hugo oli myös suuri maalari.

by: Rantanen, Leena.

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In: Kaleva. - ISSN 0356-1356. - 2012-07-08, s.14
Journal article
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Idylli ja uhka : Topeliuksen aatteita ja politiikkaa

by: Klinge, Matti (1936- )

Published: Porvoo ; Helsinki ; Juva : WSOY, 1998.
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Yön valtakunta

by: Forsström, Riikka.

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Published: Helsinki : Tammi, 2012.
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Prologue : la littérature : arme bouclier et canon

by: Richard, Elisabeth Wstęp

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In: Neofilolog (Poznań). ISSN 1429-2173 Nr 59, [cz.] 1 (2022), s. 5-11
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Les misérablesin voittokulku.

by: Klinge, Matti.

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In: Helsingin sanomat. - ISSN 0355-2047. - 1999-05-01
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Victor Hugo oli paljon muutakin kuin kirjailija.

by: Louarn, Patrick Le.

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In: Etelä-Suomen sanomat. - ISSN 0359-5056. - 2002-03-10
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[Teatteriarvostelu:Les Misérables].

by: Mäkinen, Janne.

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In: Keskisuomalainen. - ISSN 0356-1402. - 1999-03-01
Journal article
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[Kirja-arvostelu:Écrits politiques]

by: Johansson, Marjut.

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In: Kanava. - ISSN 0355-0303. - 30(2002) : 4-5, s.324-326
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[Teatteriarvostelu:Les Misérables].

by: Tuominen, Arja-Anneli.

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In: Kansan uutiset. - ISSN 0357-1521. - 1999-03-02
Kansan uutiset. - ISSN 0357-1521. - 1999-09-28
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[Teatteriarvostelu:Les Misérables].

by: Kajanto, Anneli

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In: Ilkka. - ISSN 0356-1283. - 1999-03-03
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Sosiaalisen omantunnon herääminen 1800-luvulla.

by: Koho, Arto

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In: Yhteiskuntapolitiikka. - ISSN 1455-6901. - 2017 : 5, s.597-602
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[Teatteriarvostelu:Les Misérables].

by: Lehtinen, Seppo.

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In: Turun sanomat. - ISSN 0356-133X. - 1999-02-27
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L'espace anxiogène dans "Les Misérables" de Victor Hugo

by: Bogusławska, Aleksandra (romanista) Autor

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In: Romanica Silesiana. ISSN 1898-2433. Nr 11, t. 1 (2016), s. 178-186
Published: 2016.
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[Teatteriarvostelu:Les Misérables].

by: Aho, Esko.

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In: Kaleva. - ISSN 0356-1356. - 1999-02-27
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L'œuvre de Pixerécourt sous la Restauration : entre valeur de l'Ancien Régime et source d'inspiration pour l'école romantique

by: Kamińska, Aleksandra (1983- ) Autor

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In: Romanica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0557-2665 [Z.] 67 (2020), s. 121-130
Published: 2020.
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Et s'il n'en reste qu'un… : le mépris comme arme de combat chez Victor Hugo

by: Gleizes, Delphine (1969- ) Autor

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Romanica. ISSN 1505-9065. [T.] 15 (2020), s. 163-180
Published: 2020.
Book chapter
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Proza Wiktora Hugo

by: Jastrząb, Marek (1947- ) Autor

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In: Akant : miesięcznik literacki. ISSN 1429-9054 R. 25, nr 6 (2022), s. 17
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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Co żeście tej katedrze uczynili

by: Hugo, Víctor (1802-1885) Autor

In: Gazeta Wyborcza (Wyd. zasadnicze). ISSN 0860-908X. 2019, nr 94, dod. Wyborcza na Wielkanoc, s. 10-11
Published: 20-22 IV 2019.
Journal article
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Quasimodo i Esmeralda zaczarowali pomorską publiczność

by: Fryc, Katarzyna (1970- ) Autor

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In: Gazeta Wyborcza (Gdańsk). 2017, nr 52, s. 8
Published: 3 III 2017.
Journal article
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Melodramat jako gatunek "przepisany" : (na przykładzie XIX-wiecznych dramatów inspirowanych dziełami Hugo, Mickiewicza, Scotta)

by: Szczepan, Ewa Autor

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In: Rocznik Komparatystyczny. ISSN 2081-8718. 2020, [nr] 11, s. 99-119
Published: 2020.
Journal article
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