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I. 10: Laudes Urbani VIII Pontificis Maximi

by: Sarbiewski, Maciej Kazimierz (1595-1640) Author

In: Terminus R. 1999, r. 1 z. 1, s. 97-100
Journal article
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I 2: Portret Teodoryka II

by: Sidoine Apollinaire saint (0431?-0487?) Author

In: Filomata R. 1996, nr 439/440, s. 351-355
Journal article
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I 25 let poté je Česko ostrovem

by: Horáček, Michal, 1952- Author

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In: Mladá fronta Dnes ISSN 1210-1168 Roč. 25, 2014, č. 245, 18. 10., s. A13
Journal article
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I 3 [Popłyniesz sam, Messalo, przez Morze Egejskie] ; I 6 [By zwieść mnie, wciąż przyjazne objawiasz oblicze] ; II 4 [Czeka mnie, widzę, służba u bezwględnej pani]

by: Tibullus (ok. 54-ok. 19 p.n.e.)

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In: Meander (Warszawa). ISSN 0025-6285. R. 61, nr 3/4 (2006), s. 213-219
Published: 2006.
Journal article
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I <3 topos

by: Pääjärvi, Maaria.

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In: Tuli & savu : runouslehti. - ISSN 1239-9213. - Turku : Nihil Interit. - 17 (2013) : 2, s. 48-54
Journal article
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I 5: Podróż z Lugdunum do Rzymu

by: Sidoine Apollinaire saint (0431?-0487?) Author

In: Filomata R. 1996, nr 439/440, s. 355-359
Journal article
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I 8: Życie w Rawennie

by: Sidoine Apollinaire saint (0431?-0487?) Author

In: Filomata R. 1996, nr 439/440, s. 355-359
Journal article
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I. A. Bernštejnová, E. M. Olonovová, súčasný český a slovenský román

by: Marušiak, Jozef, 1932-2018 Author

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In: Slovenská literatúra ISSN 0037-6973 Roč. 10, 1963, č. 3, s. 393-394
Journal article
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I. A. Bunin i K. G. Paustovskij : k probleme tvorčeskogo vliâniâ

by: Kurbatova, Ûliâ Vladimirovna

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In: Studia Slavica. ISSN 1803-5663. [Nr] 12 (2008), s. 37-45
Published: 2008.
Journal article
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I. a III. třída České akademie věd a umění v letech 1891-1914

by: Beran, Jiří, 1929-2007 Author

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In: Československý časopis historický ISSN 0045-6187 Roč. 20, 1972, č. 4, srpen, s. 457-483
Journal article
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I. A. Kuratovin juhlavuosi - konferenssi ja runouden juhla Komissa 2. - 4.7.1999.

by: Kokkonen, Paula, (1)

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In: Suomalais-ugrilaisen seuran aikakauskirja. - ISSN 0355-0214. - Helsinki : Suomalais-ugrilainen seura. - Volume 89 (2001), s. 259-264
Journal article
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I a sobre-- la Paulette!

by: Constantine, Barbara

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Published: Barcelona Empúries 2013
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"I â uzrel sebâ v podvale" : Puškin i postmodernizm "Snizu"

by: Šrom, Natal'â Ivanovna. Autor

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In: Ot modernizma k postmodernizmu : russkaâ literatura XX-XXI vekov : sbornik statej v čest' professora Haliny Vaškelevič s. 611-622
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
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I [A więc przybywamy z rozbitych samotności]

by: Jagliński, Waldemar (1963- )

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In: Akant : miesięcznik literacki. ISSN 1429-9054. R. 18, nr 2 (2015), s. 10
Published: 2015.
Journal article
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I ab ovo

by: Sakowicz, Krystyna (1950- ) Author

In: Twórczość R. 1999, nr 12, s. 24
Journal article
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...i Afrika nam ne nuzhna?

by: Ermonskijj, Andrejj Author

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In: Inostrannaja Literatura R. 2003, nr 5, s. 277-280
Journal article
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I-- això és la meva vida relats biogràfics i societat

Published: Barcelona Centre de Promoció de la Cultura Popular i Tradicional Catalana 2004
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I això no m'ho deies?

Published: [Barcelona] Airam 2017
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I. Ajwazowski "Burza na morzu

by: Krupińska, Grażyna Author

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In: Kultura [Warszawa] R. 1988, nr 3, s. 9
Journal article

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Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)

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Kopczyński, Krzysztof
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