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Los Odysa

by: Ifantis, Jannis (1949- ).

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In: Nowy Filomata. ISSN 1428-6327 R. 13, nr 3 (2009), s. 196
Published: 2009.
Journal article
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The burden of detention on African writers : the Wole Soyinka and Ngugi Wa Thiong'o experience

by: Ifekwe, Bernard Steiner Autor

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In: On the road to social inclusion. s. 171-179
Published: 2022.
Book chapter
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[no title]

by: Ifernizzi, Gabriele Author

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In: Literatura R. 1991, nr 6, s. 63
Journal article
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Contacte culturale şi lingvistice româno-polone în Moldova între secolele al XVI-lea şi al XVIII-lea

by: Iftime Keskin, Raluca Elisabeta (1980- ) Autor

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Published: Cluj-Napoca : Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2021.
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Paradigmele termenilor militari de origine polonă în cronicile lui Miron Costin, Nicolae Costin şi Ion Neculce = Paradigms of Polish military terms in the chronicals of Miron Costin, Nicolae(...)

by: Iftime, Raluca E. Autor

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In: Romanica Cracoviensia. ISSN 1732-8705. [Vol.] 16 (2016), s. 65-74
Published: 2016.
Journal article
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Władcy Promienia

by: Ifueko, Jordan (1993- ) Autor

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Published: Poznań : Must Read, copyright 2022.
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Z wizytą u stoczniowców

by: (i.g.) Author

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In: Twórczość Robotników ISSN 0209-0880 R. 1989, nr 14, s. 8
Journal article
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Laury dla Wilhelma Przeczka

by: (IGA) Author

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In: Głos Ludu R. 1996, nr 74, s. 2
Journal article
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Rozbitek na morzu języka. Umberto Eco finiszuje z trzecią powieścią

by: Igalson-Tygielska, Hanna Author

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In: Gazeta o Książkach ISSN 1232-1699 R. 1994, nr 6, s. 5
Journal article
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Nad Narwią

by: Igamnazarov, Nazarmat Author

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In: Literatura Radziecka R. 1988, nr 6, s. 155
Journal article
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W drodze na Wrocław

by: Igamnazarov, Nazarmat Author

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In: Literatura Radziecka R. 1988, nr 6, s. 155-156
Journal article
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Na brzegu Wisły

by: Igamnazarov, Nazarmat Author

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In: Literatura Radziecka R. 1988, nr 6, s. 155-156
Journal article
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by: Igamnazarov, Nazarmat Author

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In: Literatura Radziecka R. 1988, nr 6, s. 156
Journal article
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Świętość w codzienności

by: Igańska, Ewelina Author

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In: Nasz Dziennik R. 2001, nr 277, s. 5
Journal article
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Aniołowie są wśród nas

by: Igańska, Ewelina Author

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In: Nasz Dziennik R. 2001, nr 238, s. 5
Journal article
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Norwid wciąż nieznany

by: Igańska, Ewelina Author

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In: Nasz Dziennik R. 2001, nr 240, s. 11
Journal article
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Krzemienie Słowackiego

by: Igańska, Ewelina Author

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In: Nasz Dziennik R. 2001, nr 247, s. 9
Journal article
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Pędzlem i sercem

by: Igańska, Ewelina Author

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In: Nasz Dziennik R. 2001, nr 251, s. 9
Journal article
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Syn polskiej ziemi

by: Igańska, Ewelina Author

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In: Nasz Dziennik R. 2003, nr 243, s. 16
Journal article
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Klasyk liberalizmu (250 lat temu urodził się Bentham)

by: Igel Author

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In: Gazeta Wyborcza ISSN 0860-908X R. 1998, nr 39, s. 11
Journal article

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