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Krytyk z lustrem

by: Majcherek, Janusz Author

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In: Teatr R. 1988, nr 1, 2, 4-6, 8, 9, 11, 12
Journal article
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Krytycy lat osiemdziesiątych: tęsknota za postawą

by: Pieczara, Marek Author

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In: Dialog [Warszawa] R. 1988, nr 8, s. 139-144
Journal article
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Bliżej aktora

by: Wysińska, Elżbieta Author

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In: Dialog [Warszawa] R. 1988, nr 3, s. 147-151
Journal article
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[no title]

In: Sztuka dla Dziecka ISSN 0860-3464 R. 1988, nr 2, s. 61
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Joterka, Maria Author

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In: Teatr Lalek ISSN 0239-667X R. 1988, nr 1/2, s. 47
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Ochmański, Stanisław Author

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In: Odgłosy ISSN 0472-5042 R. 1988, nr 18, s. 9
Journal article
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[no title]

In: Teatr Lalek ISSN 0239-667X R. 1988, nr 1/2, s. 33-34
Journal article
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Czarownice [fragm.:] Niektóre z obrzędów

by: Jong, Erica (1942- ) Author

In: Mój Świat ISSN 0860-3472 R. 1988, nr 10, s. 7-8
Journal article
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by: Danecki, Ryszard (1931-2013) Author

In: Kultura [Warszawa] R. 1988, nr 27, s. 8
Journal article
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by: Danecki, Ryszard (1931-2013) Author

In: Płomyczek ISSN 0137-8511 R. 1988, nr 14, s. 14
Journal article
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Odchodzenie od świata

by: Danecki, Ryszard (1931-2013) Author

In: Odgłosy ISSN 0472-5042 R. 1988, nr 43, s. 8
Journal article
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[no title]

In: Kultura [Warszawa] R. 1988, nr 13, s. 2
Journal article
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[no title]

In: Prasa Polska R. 1988, nr 2, s. 33
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Obarski, Marek (1947-1997) Author

In: Nurt [Poznań] R. 1988, nr 4, s. 14
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Greń, Zygmunt Author

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In: Życie Literackie ISSN 0591-2369 R. 1988, nr 7, s. 7
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Greń, Zygmunt Author

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In: Życie Literackie ISSN 0591-2369 R. 1988, nr 26, s. 7
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Jesionowska, Wanda Author

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In: Nowe Książki ISSN 0137-8562 R. 1988, nr 5, s. 38
Journal article
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[no title]

by: Pysiak, Krzysztof Author

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In: Scena R. 1988, nr 11, s. 31
Journal article
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Wszelka radość możliwa...

by: Sochoń, Jan (1953- ) Author

In: Kontakt R. 1991, nr 3/4, s. 31
Journal article
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Obraz Fr. Erika, Taize

by: Sochoń, Jan (1953- ) Author

In: Kontakt R. 1991, nr 3/4, s. 31
Journal article

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