I Certamen de Relatos en Inglés
Published: [Torrevieja (Alicante)] Instituto Municipal de Cultura Joaquín Chapaprieta Torregrosa [2005]

I Certamen Literario y Musical Rafael Nadal
Published: [Palma de Mallorca] Agora Portals International School D.L. 2012

"I change myself, I change the world" : storytelling in women's art
Zygadło, Grażyna
In: The self industry : therapy and fiction. s. 111-122
Published: 2015.
Book chapter
In: The self industry : therapy and fiction. s. 111-122
Published: 2015.
Book chapter

I cień i światło... : o twórczości Adama Zagajewskiego
Published: Kraków : Wydawnictwo a5, 2015.

I come with the rain a screenplay by Tran Anh Hung

I Concurso de Poesía Visual [exposición]
Published: [Cáceres] Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Cáceres [2000]

I Congreso Internacional de Rusística "Lengua, Visión del Mundo y Texto" = I Meždunarodnaâ konferencaâ "Âzyk, mental'nost', tekst" : Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Granada,(...)
Published: [Granada] Universidad de Granada, Sección Departamental de Filología Eslava 2011

I continue to enjoy life : the threatened value of old ageand the discovery of Its meaning
Bortkiewicz, Paweł
(1958- )
In: Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej. ISSN 1644-8855. T. 16, [nr] 2 (2017), s. 81-95
Published: 2017.
Book chapter
In: Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej. ISSN 1644-8855. T. 16, [nr] 2 (2017), s. 81-95
Published: 2017.
Book chapter

I could a tale unfold violence, horror & sensationalism in stories for children

"I didn't even know what an Indian was" : resisting aboriginal stereotypes in children's picture books

I displace the air as I walk

I displace the air as I walk

I do not like concrete? = Nie lubię betonu?
Setkowicz, Piotr
In: Defining the architectural space : transmutations of concrete = Definiowanie przestrzeni architektonicznej : transmutacje betonu. Vol. 4, s. 35-43
Published: 2017.
Book chapter
In: Defining the architectural space : transmutations of concrete = Definiowanie przestrzeni architektonicznej : transmutacje betonu. Vol. 4, s. 35-43
Published: 2017.
Book chapter

I don't oppose to the fact ...
Artymowicz, Nadzieja
(1946- )
In: Annus Albaruthenicus = God Belaruskih R. 2004, t. 5, s. 99
Journal article
In: Annus Albaruthenicus = God Belaruskih R. 2004, t. 5, s. 99
Journal article
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