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Zu ehren, dem durchleuchtigen ... Johansen, des Königreichs Schweden Erbfürsten, vnd Hertzogen zu Finland, etc. Ein lied gestellet, wenn wnd wie seine f. d. zu Marieburg ankomen sey im thon zu(...)

by: Reinhardus, Johannes.

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Published: Gedruckt zu Elbingen : durch Wolffgang Dietmar, [1562]
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Epithalamion in honorem nvptiarvm solennivm, Vilnae celebratarvm, ... principis ac domini, domini Iohannis, ducis Finlandiae primi, regnorumq[ue] Sueciae, Gothiae, Vandaliaeq[ue] etc. haeredis: et(...)

by: Schütz, Caspar, kuollut 1594.

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Published: Regiomonti Borvssiae : in officina Iohannis Daubmanni, imprimebatur, anno 1562.
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Ein newe Liedt, wie die vertriebenen Ordenshern, nach verretlicher einnemung der Stadt Pernow, fur Reuell gezogen, vnd den dritten Tag durch der Kön. Ma. zu Schweden Stadthaltern vnd Feldtobersten(...)

by: Furchtenicht, Joachim.

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Published: [Stockholm] : [Amund Laurentsson], 1565.
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Nvptiis ... dn. Christierni baronis ab Aminna. Et ... virginis, dominae Catharinae ... dn. Thvronis, domini in Salstadt filiae, Bielkiae. Carmen Othonis Grvmeri.

by: Grumerus, Otho.

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Published: Rostochii : excudebat Stephanus Myliander, anno 1586.
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Nobili ivveni, Iohanni Hane a Torp, Sveco, Helmstadio Lipsiam versvs, discessvro, amicitiae, studij, gratitudinis perpetuaeq[ue] obseruantiae erg scripsit hanc epistolam Carolvs Kropelin Finnonius 6.(...)

by: Kröpelin, Carl Larsson, kuollut ennen 1641.

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Published: Helmaestadii : excudebat Iacobus Lucius, anno 1592.
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Synopsis rhetoricae A. Talaei et dialecticae P. Rami; areolis & cancellis distincta, tyronum gratiâ, Iohanne Clementis Mentz, rectore scholae Biorneburgensis.

by: Mentzius, Johannes Clementis.

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Published: Witebergae : typis Simonis Gronenbergii, 1600.
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Illvstrissimi et excellentissimi principis domini Caroli, Sveciae regni gvbernantis haereditarii principis, dvcis Sydermanniae ... Victoris ex Finlandia, ad idvs Novembreis M.D.C. feliciter(...)

by: Bignonneus, Johannes.

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Published: Stockholmiae : [kustantaja tuntematon], anno 1600 kal: Ian:.
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Los avances de Alarache y el avance de Gailán : comedia famosa nueva

by: Rodríguez Montesinos, Diego

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Published: [S.l.] [s.n.] [1ª mitad del siglo XVII]
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Comedia famosa, El renegado del cielo

by: Morales y Guerrero, Cristóbal de

Published: [S.l.] [s.n.] [entre 1601 y 1700]
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Comedia famosa, Renegado, rey y martir

by: Morales y Guerrero, Cristóbal de

Published: [S.l.] [s.n.] [entre 1601 y 1700]

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