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Sûžetnye motivy v "Pikovoj dame" A. S. Puškina i "Čudesah magii" A. Rûnoskè [!]

by: Musij, Vladimir

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In: Âzyk v kul'ture, kul'tura v âzyke. s. 49-53
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
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Ballady Adama Mickeviča v hudožestvennoj interpretaciii Aleksandra Puškina

by: Macapura, Valentina Ìvanìvna

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In: Acta Polono-Ruthenica. ISSN 1427-549X. T. 19 (2014), s. 99-110
Published: 2014.
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"Sperva madame za nim hodila, potom monsieur ee smenil" : vospitanie dvorânskih detej v Rosii pervoj poloviny XIX veka

by: Wilk, Anna N (1987- )

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In: Kultury Wschodniosłowiańskie Oblicza i Dialog : Polska, Rosja, Ukraina. ISSN 2391-470X. T. 4 (2014), s. 217-226
Published: 2014.
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"I â uzrel sebâ v podvale" : Puškin i postmodernizm "Snizu"

by: Šrom, Natal'â Ivanovna. Autor

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In: Ot modernizma k postmodernizmu : russkaâ literatura XX-XXI vekov : sbornik statej v čest' professora Haliny Vaškelevič s. 611-622
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
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Žanrovyj sinkretizm stihotoreniâ Puškina "Napoleon na Èl'be" (1815)

by: Emelin, Il'â Autor

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In: Istoriko-filologičeskie issledovaniâ : tradicii i sovremennye tendencii. s. 55-57
Published: 2014.
Book chapter
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La Gabrielíada

by: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergueevich (1799-1837) Author

Published: Figueres Cal·lígraf 2015
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Nočnoj posetitel', ili o tom, kak Puškin sparodioval Šekspira

by: Szczukin, Wasilij (1952- )

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. Z. spec. (2015), s. 217-226
Published: 2015.
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Meždu "poleznym" i "nepoleznym" čteniem : M. I. Voskresenskij na puti k "Evgeniû Oneginu" A. S. Puškina

by: Veršinina, Natalʹâ Leonidovna (1951- )

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. Z. spec. (2015), s. 227-234
Published: 2015.
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Ocenočnye nominacii lica v tekstah A. S. Puškina

by: Glazkova, Elena Anatol'evna

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In: Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego. ISSN 2084-4026. T. 23 (2015), s. 35-42
Published: 2015.
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Dama pikowa = Pikovaâ dama

by: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich,‏ (1799-1837)

Published: Sandomierz : Wydawnictwo "Armoryka", 2015.
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Tat'ânin nif v hudožestvennoj strukture "oneginskogo teksta"

by: Betko, Ìrina P (1962- ) Autor

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In: Rusycystyczne Studia Literaturoznawcze. ISSN 0208-5038. Nr 26 (2016), s. 62-74
Published: 2016.
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Vospriâtie starosti i izobraženie personaža-starika iz XVIII veka v russkoj literature

by: Dzûba, Elena Markovna Autor

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In: Slavica Wratislaviensia. ISSN 0137-1150. Nr 163 (2016), s. 59-69
Published: 2016.
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Kody literaturnoj kommunikacii Puškina : (periodika - razgovory poèta s knigo prodavcem/cenzorom - psevdonimy)

by: Dimitrov, Ljudmil Ivanov (1967- ) Autor

In: Przegląd Rusycystyczny. ISSN 0137-298X. 2016, nr 3, s. 21-30
Published: 2016.
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Vliânie Val'tera Skotta na istoričeskuû prozu A. S. Puškina : "Rob Roj" i "Kapitanskaâ dočka" = Walter Scott's influence on A. S. Pushkin's historical novel : "Rob Roy" and "Captain's(...)

by: Kizelbach, Urszula Autor

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In: Studia Rossica Posnaniensia. ISSN 0081-6884. Z. 41 (2016), s. 105-119
Published: 2016.
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Skazki Puškina i vospitanie buduŝego aktëra

by: Černaâ, Elena (1941- ) Autor

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In: Bajka i mit w sztuce i edukacji. s. 51-65
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
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"Magiâ" gendera v skazkah Aleksandra Sergeeviča Puškina

by: Volkova, Tatâna Sergeevna Autor

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In: Baśniowe i mityczne inspiracje humanistów. s. 190-201
Published: 2016.
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Skazka Puškina i ee poetičeskij perevod

by: Potemkin, Sergej Borisovič Autor

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In: Bajka, baśń, legenda i mit w naukowych opracowaniach. s. 158-170
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
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Soûz konâ i vsadnika v poezii A.S. Puškina ("Pesn' o veŝem Olege", "Mednyj vsadnik"), Dž. G.N. Bajrona ("Mazepa"), V. Gûgo ("Mazepa")

by: Smirnov, Aleksandr Andreevič Autor

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In: Koń w języku, literaturze i kulturze : tom monograficzny s. 101-116
Published: 2016.
Book chapter
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Gromkogolosyj graf

by: Kunarev, Andrej Aleksandrovič Autor

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In: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Rossica. ISSN 1427-9681. [T.] 10 (2017), s. 39-46
Published: 2017.
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Molodost' i starost' v koncepcii hudožestvennogo vremeni poèzii Aleksandra Puškina

by: Èliaš, Anton (1950- ) Autor

In: Conversatoria Litteraria : międzynarodowy rocznik naukowy. ISSN 1897-1423. R. 11 (2017), s. 191-203
Published: 2017.
Journal article
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