Pieśń gminna Wajdeloty a prawdziwe i malowane dzieje Polski
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Kultura Wsi ISSN 1427-8170 R. 1998, nr 1, s. 203-205
Journal article
O tym-że dumać na paryskim bruku
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Kultura Wsi ISSN 1427-8170 R. 1998, nr 2, s. 6-9
Journal article
Do przyjaciół Moskali
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Kultura Wsi ISSN 1427-8170 R. 1998, nr 2, s. 14-15
Journal article
Pan Tadeusz. Księga XII: Kochajmy się!
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Kultura Wsi ISSN 1427-8170 R. 1998, nr 2, s. 97-106
Journal article
Sonety krymskie [z tego cyklu:] Żegluga = Sea Travel
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: The Polish Review R. 1998, t. 43 nr 4, s. 394
Journal article
Sonety krymskie [z tego cyklu:] Mogiły haremu Mirza do Pielgrzyma = The Graves of the Harem Mirza to Pilgrim
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: The Polish Review R. 1998, t. 43 nr 4, s. 395
Journal article
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Protokół Kulturalny ISSN 1506-1833 R. 1998, nr 2 (2), s. 7
Journal article
Powrót taty
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Dziennik Kijowski R. 1998, nr 20, s. 4
Journal article
Trzech budrysów
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Dziennik Kijowski R. 1998, nr 20, s. 4
Journal article
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Meander ISSN 0025-6285 R. 1998, nr 6, s. 573-575
Journal article
Romantyczność [Fragm.] = The romantic
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Polish Culture ISSN 1428-8842 R. 1998, nr 2, s. 9
Journal article
Do M***
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Siódma Prowincja ISSN 0867-4469 R. 1998, nr 4, s. 39
Journal article
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Siódma Prowincja ISSN 0867-4469 R. 1998, nr 4, s. 39
Journal article
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Siódma Prowincja ISSN 0867-4469 R. 1998, nr 4, s. 40
Journal article
Do Laury
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Siódma Prowincja ISSN 0867-4469 R. 1998, nr 4, s. 40
Journal article
Sonety erotyczne [z tego cyklu:] V (Potępi nas świętoszek...)
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Siódma Prowincja ISSN 0867-4469 R. 1998, nr 4, s. 40
Journal article
[Snuć miłość...]
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Rota R. 1998, nr 1, s. 123
Journal article
Oda do młodości
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Rota R. 1998, nr 2/3, s. 40
Journal article
Do M***
Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)
More about...In: Rota R. 1998, nr 2/3, s. 41
Journal article