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Czech historian, musicologist, and professor of musical aesthetics (1847-1910)

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český pedagog, spisovatel, literární kritik, redaktor, překladatel

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Czech literature reviewer, translator and writer

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Czech internist, doctor and writer

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Czech historian, professor, university educator and science writer

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Czech teacher and translator (1859-1933)

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Narozen 13.7.1882 v Libuni u Jičína, zemřel 20.9.1933 v Praze. Středoškolský profesor, redaktor, monografie z oboru výtvarného umění, učebnice(...)

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Czech literature historian, literature reviewer and university educator

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Czech poet, publicist and translator

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Narozen 22.8.1858 v Uhlířských Janovicích, zemřel 24.12.1928 v Praze. Učitel, prozaik, autor polobeletristických cestopisných a národopisných(...)

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Czech member of Czech council, historian, publicist and high school educator

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czeski geolog, paleontolog i przyrodnik

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