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americký novinář a spisovatel

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Narozen 1994 v Praze. Prozaik a básník, autor divadelních her a scénářů, novinář, redaktor a překladatel, karikaturista, grafický designér,(...)

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Georgian and Soviet writer (1928-1984)

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Narozen 11.9.1937 v Martině, zemřel 13.6.2001 v Bratislavě. Slovenský prozaik, spisovatel pro děti a mládež, dramatik a scenárista, autor(...)

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Soviet writer, playwright, journalist, screenwriter (1905-1973)

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American writer and filmmaker (1928-2017)

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Soviet and Azerbaijani writer, screenwriter and film director

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críticu lliterariu rusu (1923–2017)

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Soviet writer, playwright, screenwriter

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British screenwriter and film director

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americký spisovatel, dramatik a scenárista

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American novelist (1945-2016)

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Senegalese film director, producer, screenwriter, actor and author

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Japanese writer and activist

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