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římský právník a polyhistor 2. století př. n. l

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starověký čínský historik

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1st c. BCE Roman comic poet

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ancient Greek grammarian and historian

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Ancient Roman poet (-219--129)

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římský politik, vojevůdce a spisovatel (234–149 př.n.l.)

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ancient Greek poet

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greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, librarian and music theorist

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3rd-century BC Greco-Roman dramatist and epic poet

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starořecký básník

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dvorní básník Ptolemaiovců

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Chinese poet and politician (c.340–278 BC)

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Chinese Taoist philosopher (c. 369–286 BC)

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antický řecký básník

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starořecký filozof

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4th-century BCE Chinese philosopher and author

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