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švédský režisér a herec

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Iraqi film director of Kurdish origin

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American playwright (born 1971)

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rakouský spisovatel, dramatik, režisér a herec

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německý herec, kabaretiér, spisovatel a režisér

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Hungarian film director, screenwriter and theater director

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Hungarian singer and actor

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English actor, dramatist and critic (1917-1963)

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Russian film director and screenwriter (1881–1945)

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australsko-americký filmový režisér, scenárista, producent a spisovatel

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americký básník a rapper

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German theater and film director

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French actor, theatre director, writer and screenwriter

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novozélandský herec a hudebník

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Dutch actor, performance artist and film director

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Japanese director, producer, writer, and actor

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French film director, actor

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English director and screenwriter

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