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benediktinský mnich, opat, básník, botanik

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Japanese writer, courtier and waka poet

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perský muslimský historik a právník (839-923)

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Persian mystic, poet and Sufi teacher (c.858–922)

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Arab historian, writer, poet and musicologist (897–967)

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arménský mnich, básník a učenec

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perský lékař, filozof a přírodovědec

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poet of al-Andalus. (1003-1071)

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byzantský spisovatel, filozof a historik

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11th-century Andalusian poet and Jewish philosopher

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čínský politik, esejista, básník, kaligraf a malíř severosungské doby

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Last ruler of the taifa of Seville in Al-Andalus and poet (1040-1095) (r. c.1069-1091)

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Persian mathematician and poet (1048–1131)

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Iraqi poet and government official of the Seljuk Empire

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