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2nd-century Syrian satirist and rhetorician

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2nd century Roman author and grammarian

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2nd-century Numidian Latin-language writer, rhetorician and philosopher

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2nd-century Greek bishop and Doctor of the Church

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Greek philosopher and Father of the Church (c.133–c.190)

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Greco-Roman statesman and historian (c. 155–c. 235)

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2nd-century Roman linguist, grammarian and writer

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Roman Christian theologian and writer (c.155–c.220)

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římský císař (180–192)

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early 3rd century Roman jurist

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Late 2nd/early 3rd century Greek rhetorician and grammarian

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řeckořímský filosof-sofista (3. století)

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římský císař (235–238)

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římskokatolická mučednice a patronka

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řecký historik, autor dějin řecké filosofie

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3rd-century Christian scholar, ascetic and theologian from Alexandria

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Greek professional diviner (2nd century)

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