Tres reductos del cuento La fiera exige alimento: del Atlas telliano y el desierto del Sahara a la península de Yucatán
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- Statement of Responsibility:
Abenójar Sanjuán, Oscar
- Hlavní autor:
- Formát:
Journal article
- Jazyk:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Žánr:
text (article)
- Vydáno:
- V:
Boletín de Literatura Oral ISSN 2173-0695 nº 12, 2022 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Periodo de Publicación: 16/6/2021-30/4/2022. Publicado el 6/7/2022), pags. 7-22
- Předmětová hesla:
- Annotation:
This work analyzes the three known versions of a fable, which has not been assigned a specific entry in the international indexes of folktales. According to the three parallels of the story, a lion threatens a farmer with devouring him, unless he feeds it constantly. When the protagonist runs out of food, a fox offers it's help to get rid of the feline, in exchange for some chickens. Thanks to the help of the trickster, the man manages to kill the lion, but instead of rewarding the fox, he gives it a bag full of dogs. Two versions of this folktale were documented in North Africa, in different variants of Berber, and the third was recorded, in Mayan language, in the Mexican Yucatan. In this study, the three parallels of the story are compared, and their links with other traditional stories are analyzed. The findings show that, many times, the keys to fully understanding oral stories are in extremely distant cultures and very remote regions.