La enseñanza simultánea de lenguas tipológicamente afines (ES, EN, FR) a través de la traducción pedagógica de microrrelatos en contextos exolingües
- Statement of Responsibility:
Cortés Jiménez, José Carlos
- Hlavní autor:
- Formát:
Journal article
- Jazyk:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Žánr:
text (article)
- Vydáno:
- V:
Entreculturas: revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural ISSN 1989-5097 Nº. 13, 2023, pags. 109-125
- Předmětová hesla:
- Annotation:
The main objective of this research work is to demonstrate the viability of the use of pedagogical translation of micro-stories for the simultaneous learning of typologically related languages, in this case, Spanish, English and French, based on the hypothesis of interdependent linguistic development of Cummings (1983) and the principle of transfer of processing routines of Díaz-Sánchez and Joel Álvarez (2019); all this through a bibliographic selection chosen according to Bradford's law of dispersion of scientific literature. The research shows that due to the strong contrastive linguistic component of pedagogical translation and the textual characteristics of the micro-story, it is possible that the aforementioned hypothesis and principle are fulfilled.