Antígonas. Una visión intertextual
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- Statement of Responsibility:
Cano Turrión, Elena
- Hlavní autor:
- Formát:
Journal article
- Jazyk:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Žánr:
text (article)
- Vydáno:
Asociación Cultural Impossibilia 2011
- V:
Impossibilia ISSN 2174-2464 Nº. 1 (Abril), 2011 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Formatos y palabras: crear, leer, transmitir), pags. 70-87
- Předmětová hesla:
- Annotation:
In this article and from an intertextual point of view, we will try to examine how the Sophoclean hypotext has generated three very different hypertexts. The first one is the short story �Antígona o la elección� by M. Yourcenar, which goes further the religious motivation in the original text; then, there is an essay written as a dialogue by Maria Zambrano, entitled La tumba de Antígona which main topics are confrontation against power, lack of freedom and destiny and faith in human conscience. Finally, Luis Riaza�s Antígona�¡Cerda! Appears closer to its hypotext but at the same time semantic deviation becomes more relevant.