El cuento folclórico al servicio de la moral en el Semanario Pintoresco Español
- Statement of Responsibility:
Amores, Montserrat
- Hlavní autor:
- Další autoři:
- Formát:
Journal article
- Jazyk:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Žánr:
text (article)
- Vydáno:
- V:
Castilla: Estudios de Literatura ISSN 1989-7383 Nº. 5, 2014, pags. 458-480
- Předmětová hesla:
- Annotation:
This paper shows briefly folktales published in Semanario Pintoresco Español (1836-1857) in which morality becomes the main issue of the short story. To that end, the tales have to be considered by the mode in which the original folktale is manifested as well as its origins and its authorship. Specifically, this paper focuses on the analysis of four folktales that show perfectly the complexity of the corpus and the array of folktales printed in this magazine.