El valor caracterizador de las acotaciones en "The Glass Menagerie" y su traducción al español

- Statement of Responsibility:
Ruano San Segundo, Pablo
- Hlavní autor:
- Formát:
Journal article
- Jazyk:
Spanish; Castilian
- Forma / Žánr:
text (article)
- Vydáno:
Universidad de Extremadura: Servicio de Publicaciones 2014
- V:
Anuario de estudios filológicos ISSN 0210-8178 Vol. 37, 2014, pags. 215-235
- Předmětová hesla:
- Annotation:
This research paper presents a corpus-based approach to stage directions in Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie and their translation into Spanish. From a textual point of view, this bracketed information, which in this play conveys an important stylistic value which will be also analysed, may be used as a characterising device by the playwright to outline the characters that populate the story. Indeed, there are certain pieces of information used repeatedly to model characters's words, resulting in textual building blocks which are worth analysing when it comes to Williams's techniques of characterisation. Thanks to a corpus methodology, and with the help of a concordance software programme, stage directions can be automatically retrieved, which makes it possible to systematically assess their translation into Spanish. As will be demonstrated, none of the three versions herein discussed succeeds completely in rendering this characterising function into Spanish, which results in the loss of a relevant stylistic trait which may affect the comprehension of characters by readers.