Don DeLillo and the ghost of language
Hetman, Jarosław
V: Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. ISSN 0867-4159. Vol. 14 (2017), s. 87-97
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V: Theoria et Historia Scientiarum. ISSN 0867-4159. Vol. 14 (2017), s. 87-97
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Apocalyptic vistas in Don DeLillo's "Cosmopolis"
Słotwińska-Pełka, Karolina
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154. Vol. 11 (2017), s. 99-116
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V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154. Vol. 11 (2017), s. 99-116
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Opowiedzieć koniec
Kube, Marcin
V: Rzeczpospolita (Wyd. zasadnicze). ISSN 0208-9130. 2018, nr 191, s. 7-8
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V: Rzeczpospolita (Wyd. zasadnicze). ISSN 0208-9130. 2018, nr 191, s. 7-8
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Być jak Walt Disney
Kube, Marcin
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"Gwiazda Ratnera" jako fabularyzowany traktat o poznaniu
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"Gwiazda Ratnera" jako fabularyzowany traktat o poznaniu
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Od lustra do lustra
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V: Tygodnik Powszechny : katolickie pismo społeczno-kulturalne. ISSN 0041-4808. 2016, nr 39, s. 57-59
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Poza "białym szumem" : o wykluczeniu w powieściach Dona DeLillo
Tazbir, Jędrzej
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V: Arterie (Łódź). ISSN 1898-584X. 2016, nr 1, s. 32-37
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Kończ mistrzu
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Spiskować znaczy żyć
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The market moves us in mysterious ways : DeLillo's critique of transnationalism in "Cosmopolis"
Cvek, Sven
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V: Americanist : Warsaw journal for the study of the United States. ISSN 1896-2556. Vol. 25 (2009/2010), s. 157-168
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Junk sculptors, fetishists, cultural collectees: Don DeLillo's collectors
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V: Arcana : kultura, historia, polityka. ISSN 1233-6882. 2014, nr 6, s. 121-124
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Technology and the bodily in Don DeLillo's "The body artist" and "Cosmopolis"
Bartczak, Kacper
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W pustyni ekranu : o wideo w powieściach Dona DeLilla
Szałasek, Filip
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Modern Vision of Death and Apocalypse: Saul Bellow's "Mr Sammler Planet" and Don DeLillo "White Noise"
Kociatkiewicz, Justyna Maria
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Śmieci czyli apokalipsa

Intymna historia Ameryki
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