The House of Dickinson and the House of Hawthorne: Poetic Furnishings fot the Interior Life
Armand, Barton Levi St.
V: British and American Studies in Toruń R. 2001, [t.] 3, s. 13-36
Journal article
V: British and American Studies in Toruń R. 2001, [t.] 3, s. 13-36
Journal article

The school of Hawthorne

O Jamesie porównawczo
Buchholtz, Mirosława
V: Litteraria Copernicana. ISSN 1899-315X. 2017, nr 1, s. 263-272
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article
V: Litteraria Copernicana. ISSN 1899-315X. 2017, nr 1, s. 263-272
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article

Hawthorne our contemporary: Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Birthmark" and "Ethan Brand"
Carter, Steven
V: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia ISSN 0081-6272 R. 1999, t. 34, s. 341-346
Journal article
V: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia ISSN 0081-6272 R. 1999, t. 34, s. 341-346
Journal article

A study of the sources of the tales and romances written by Nathaniel Hawthorne before 1853
Chandler, Elizabeth Lathrop
Vydáno: Northampton (Mass.) Paris Departments of Modern Languages of Smith College ; Librairie E.Champion 1926
Vydáno: Northampton (Mass.) Paris Departments of Modern Languages of Smith College ; Librairie E.Champion 1926

Romanzi e musei : Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James e il rapporto con l'arte

Retoryczne środki potęgowania grozy w opowiadaniu "Córka Rappacciniego" Nathaniela Hawthorne'a
Dobrzyńska, Dorota
V: Forum Artis Rhetoricae : acta quater in anno edita in quibus historia, ratio ususq. rhetoricae tractantur. ISSN 1733-1986. 2014, nr 2, s. 33-47
Vydáno: 2014.
Journal article
V: Forum Artis Rhetoricae : acta quater in anno edita in quibus historia, ratio ususq. rhetoricae tractantur. ISSN 1733-1986. 2014, nr 2, s. 33-47
Vydáno: 2014.
Journal article

Hawthorne's narrative strategies

Two tales of two hesters: Christopher Bigsby's "Hester" and Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The scarlett letter"
Durczak, Joanna
V: British and American Studies in Toruń R. 1996, t. 2, s. 109-125
Journal article
V: British and American Studies in Toruń R. 1996, t. 2, s. 109-125
Journal article

Anguish and exhaustion: Fowles's and Hawthorne's studies in scarlet
Dziedzic, Piotr
(1976- )
V: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego R. 1990, nr 1059, s. 76-84
Journal article
V: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego R. 1990, nr 1059, s. 76-84
Journal article

The healing power of love in the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dziekońska, Małgorzata
V: Linguodidactica ISSN 1731-6332 R. 2003, t. 7, s. 65-75
Journal article
V: Linguodidactica ISSN 1731-6332 R. 2003, t. 7, s. 65-75
Journal article

Arcadia in ruins: Mythology in Hawthorne's "The Marble Faun"

Becoming real to oneself : Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne
Fruzińska, Justyna
(1984- )
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154 Vol. 16 (2022), s. 61-69
Vydáno: 2022.
Book chapter
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154 Vol. 16 (2022), s. 61-69
Vydáno: 2022.
Book chapter

Kanon zabawy u Nathaniela Hawthorne
Gustek-Sikorska, Marzena
V: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego R. 1988, nr 994, s. 54-65
Journal article
V: Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego R. 1988, nr 994, s. 54-65
Journal article

Maan tuho
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
V: Portti. - ISSN 0359-114X. - 2012 : 2, s.18-29
Journal article
V: Portti. - ISSN 0359-114X. - 2012 : 2, s.18-29
Journal article