Podróż Felicji
Cybulska, Maja Elżbieta
V: Nowe Książki ISSN 0137-8562 R. 1995, nr 10, s. 63
Journal article
V: Nowe Książki ISSN 0137-8562 R. 1995, nr 10, s. 63
Journal article

William Trevor's Short Stories About Ireland
Sumera, Adam
V: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Anglica ISSN 1427-9673 R. 2002, z. 5, s. 173-181
Journal article
V: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Anglica ISSN 1427-9673 R. 2002, z. 5, s. 173-181
Journal article

Irlandzki moralitet z historią w tle : "The Story of Lucy Gault" Williama Trevora
Szczepanik, Katarzyna
V: Powieść irlandzka w XXI wieku : szkice. s. 27-42
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter
V: Powieść irlandzka w XXI wieku : szkice. s. 27-42
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter

Reticence and reclusion in William Trevor's "The story of Lucy Gault"
Kucała, Bożena
V: Spectrum of emotions : from love to grief. s. 169-178
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter
V: Spectrum of emotions : from love to grief. s. 169-178
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter

A white-clad angel or a murderess? : representations of women in the (un)reliable narrative of William Trevor's "The blue dress"
Goszczyńska, Marta (filolog)
V: Witches and angels : the perception of women in ancient and modern cultures: s. 7-18.
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter
V: Witches and angels : the perception of women in ancient and modern cultures: s. 7-18.
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter

"In the depths of her darkening twilight" : reflections on dementia and memory in William Trevor's "Cheating at canasta"
Goszczyńska, Marta (filolog)
V: "In sickness and in health" : interdisciplinary perspectives on illness. s. 87-97
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter
V: "In sickness and in health" : interdisciplinary perspectives on illness. s. 87-97
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter

Secrets, epiphanies and ellipses : the uses of silence in William Trevor's selected stories
Goszczyńska, Marta (filolog)
V: Litteraria Copernicana. ISSN 1899-315X 2020, nr 3, s. 91-104
Vydáno: 2020.
Journal article
V: Litteraria Copernicana. ISSN 1899-315X 2020, nr 3, s. 91-104
Vydáno: 2020.
Journal article