Tales of lonely trails
Grey, Zane
Vydáno: Warsaw : Wydawnictwo Ktoczyta.pl - Ventigo Media, 2018.
Vydáno: Warsaw : Wydawnictwo Ktoczyta.pl - Ventigo Media, 2018.
Tending Andersland : the calling of Feliks Konarski and(...)
Holmgren, Beth
(1955- )
V: Diaspora polska w Ameryce Północnej. s. 513-527
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter
V: Diaspora polska w Ameryce Północnej. s. 513-527
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter
Teoria, nostalgia, alt-right : amerykańska Austen w XXI(...)
Gołubiewski, Mikołaj
(1985- )
V: Przegląd Humanistyczny (Warszawa ; 1957). ISSN 0033-2194. R. 63, nr 2 (2019), s. 169-176
Vydáno: 2019.
Journal article
V: Przegląd Humanistyczny (Warszawa ; 1957). ISSN 0033-2194. R. 63, nr 2 (2019), s. 169-176
Vydáno: 2019.
Journal article
The 1990 treaty on economic relations between the United(...)
Sajkiewicz, Jan Napoleon
(1939- )
V: Anniversary International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (50 ; 1992 ; New Haven). Selected essays from the fiftieth anniversary International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America. Vol. 1, Poland and Europe : historical dimensions. s. 219-229
Vydáno: 1993.
Book chapter
V: Anniversary International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (50 ; 1992 ; New Haven). Selected essays from the fiftieth anniversary International Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America. Vol. 1, Poland and Europe : historical dimensions. s. 219-229
Vydáno: 1993.
Book chapter
The Americanization of the sublime : Washington Allston and(...)
Wilczyński, Marek
(1960- )
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154. Vol. 11 (2017), s. 19-25
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154. Vol. 11 (2017), s. 19-25
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article
The Baron family : a personal perspective
Tancer, Shoshana B
(1935- )
V: Enduring legacy of Salo W. Baron. s. 39-45
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter
V: Enduring legacy of Salo W. Baron. s. 39-45
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter
The case of otherness in young American prose : on the(...)
Małecki, Grzegorz
V: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Literatura i Kultura Popularna. ISSN 0867-7441. Nr 21 (2015), s. 43-52
Vydáno: 2015.
Journal article
V: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Literatura i Kultura Popularna. ISSN 0867-7441. Nr 21 (2015), s. 43-52
Vydáno: 2015.
Journal article
The challenges of universal dialogue : philosophical ideals(...)
Hicks, Steven V
(1956- )
V: Dialogue and Universalism : toward synergy of civilizations. ISSN 1234-5792 Vol. 26, nr 4 (2016), s. 13-19
Vydáno: 2016.
Journal article
V: Dialogue and Universalism : toward synergy of civilizations. ISSN 1234-5792 Vol. 26, nr 4 (2016), s. 13-19
Vydáno: 2016.
Journal article
The changing face of the "Yellow Peril" : representations(...)
Witek, Michał (kulturoznawca)
V: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Prace Kulturoznawcze. ISSN 0860-6668 [T.] 24, nr 4 (2020), s. 15-31
Vydáno: 2020.
Journal article
V: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Prace Kulturoznawcze. ISSN 0860-6668 [T.] 24, nr 4 (2020), s. 15-31
Vydáno: 2020.
Journal article
The Civil Rights Movement, protest and gender equality in(...)
Ziółek-Sowińska, Małgorzata
V: For the vote and more : stories of women in changing America. s. 261-287
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: For the vote and more : stories of women in changing America. s. 261-287
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
The complete letters of Henry James
Zacharias, Greg W
(1958- )
V: Litteraria Copernicana. ISSN 1899-315X. 2017, nr 1, s. 11-23
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article
V: Litteraria Copernicana. ISSN 1899-315X. 2017, nr 1, s. 11-23
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article
The concept of social protest and the rhetoric of selected(...)
Klęczaj-Siara, Ewa
V: Język na rozdrożu s. 100-111 : faksymilia
Vydáno: 2020.
Book chapter
V: Język na rozdrożu s. 100-111 : faksymilia
Vydáno: 2020.
Book chapter
The death of the historian and autotelism, textuality and(...)
Muchowski, Jakub
V: Historyka : studia metodologiczne. ISSN 0073-277X. T. 51 (2021), s. 117-130
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: Historyka : studia metodologiczne. ISSN 0073-277X. T. 51 (2021), s. 117-130
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
The desert called America : poetry of Boris Maruna and(...)
Matičević, Ivica
(1966- )
V: Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis. ISSN 1897-3035 [T.] 13 (2018), s. 25-39
Vydáno: 2018.
Journal article
V: Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis. ISSN 1897-3035 [T.] 13 (2018), s. 25-39
Vydáno: 2018.
Journal article
[The devil's music - recenzja]
Garbowski, Christopher
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154 Vol. 13, spring (2019), s. 143-145
Vydáno: 2019.
Journal article
V: Polish Journal for American Studies : yearbook of the Polish Association for American Studies. ISSN 1733-9154 Vol. 13, spring (2019), s. 143-145
Vydáno: 2019.
Journal article
The dialectics of identity and difference
Brown, Charles S
(1950- )
V: Dialogue and Universalism : toward synergy of civilizations. ISSN 1234-5792 Vol. 26, nr 4 (2016), s. 7-12
Vydáno: 2016.
Journal article
V: Dialogue and Universalism : toward synergy of civilizations. ISSN 1234-5792 Vol. 26, nr 4 (2016), s. 7-12
Vydáno: 2016.
Journal article