Rywal Dickensa? : Stefana Żeromskiego lektury prozy Dickensa
Budrewicz-Beratan, Aleksandra
V: Stefan Żeromski : kim był? Kim jest? : materiały ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej, Kielce, 2-4 października 2014 r. s. 139-156
Vydáno: 2015.
Book chapter
V: Stefan Żeromski : kim był? Kim jest? : materiały ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej, Kielce, 2-4 października 2014 r. s. 139-156
Vydáno: 2015.
Book chapter

A crime novel or a detective novel? : a critical investigation of the "Mystery of Edwin Drood"
Bystydzieńska, Grażyna
V: (Re)interpretacje (nie)literackie : tom monograficzny. s. 97-106
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter
V: (Re)interpretacje (nie)literackie : tom monograficzny. s. 97-106
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter

"Chance" and its intertextualities
Kujawska-Lis, Ewa
(1972- )
V: Centennial essays on Joseph Conrad's Chance. s. 66-79
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter
V: Centennial essays on Joseph Conrad's Chance. s. 66-79
Vydáno: 2016.
Book chapter

A Christmas carol : Charles Dickens's ghostly academy
Kędzierska, Aleksandra
(1955- )
V: Expanding the Gothic canon : studies in literature, film and new media. s. 88-107
Vydáno: 2014.
Book chapter
V: Expanding the Gothic canon : studies in literature, film and new media. s. 88-107
Vydáno: 2014.
Book chapter

Charles Dickens's A Christmas carol : "such a noble meal"
Kędzierska, Aleksandra
(1955- )
V: Old challenges and new horizons in English and American studies. s. 179-188
Vydáno: 2014.
Book chapter
V: Old challenges and new horizons in English and American studies. s. 179-188
Vydáno: 2014.
Book chapter

Dickens writes trauma : post-traumatic stress disorder
Pypeć, Magdalena
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 149-164
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 149-164
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter

Dickens the vagabond and the tradition of nightwalking
Hollington, Michael
(1942- )
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 65-78
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 65-78
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter

Figures of hypocrisy : pity and poverty in Charles Dickens's "Hard times"
Uściński, Przemysław
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 201-214
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 201-214
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter

1827 : real, fictional, and mythic time in "The Pickwick Papers"
Rainsford, Dominic
(1965- )
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 165-178
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 165-178
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter

"We must marry 'em" : marriages and endings in Charles Dickens's "Dombey and Son"
Jochem, Sophia
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 79-87
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 7 s. 79-87
Vydáno: 2021.
Book chapter

Male-female relations in Charles Dickens's "The cricet on the hearth" and its Polish renditions
Dybiec, Anna
V: Wschód-zachód : przestrzeń wzajemnego przenikania się kultur, s. 39-49
Vydáno: 2020.
Book chapter
V: Wschód-zachód : przestrzeń wzajemnego przenikania się kultur, s. 39-49
Vydáno: 2020.
Book chapter

Kolęda o ogniu, który ocalił Boże Narodzenie ("Opowieść wigilijna" Charlesa Dickensa)
Kędzierska, Aleksandra
(1955- )
V: Ogień - siła żywiołu, moc symbolu, potęga wyobraźni, s. 297-311
Vydáno: 2020.
Book chapter
V: Ogień - siła żywiołu, moc symbolu, potęga wyobraźni, s. 297-311
Vydáno: 2020.
Book chapter

Authenticity and linguistic difference : parody, polyphony and translation in Bakhtin and beyond
Uściński, Przemysław
V: Interpreting authenticity : translation and its others. s. 45-57
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter
V: Interpreting authenticity : translation and its others. s. 45-57
Vydáno: 2017.
Book chapter

A Christmas carol : Charles Dickens's ghostly academy
Kędzierska, Aleksandra
(1955- )
V: Expanding the Gothic canon : studies in literature, film and new media. s. 88-107
Vydáno: 2014.
Book chapter
V: Expanding the Gothic canon : studies in literature, film and new media. s. 88-107
Vydáno: 2014.
Book chapter

Fallen women in selected Polish translations of Dickens
Kałużna, Agnieszka
V: Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture s. 73-85
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter
V: Interdisciplinary views on the English language, literature and culture s. 73-85
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter

Disharmonius harmonies : music in Charles Dickens's "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
Kokot, Joanna
(1956- )
V: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture s. 67-80
Vydáno: 2019.
Book chapter
V: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture s. 67-80
Vydáno: 2019.
Book chapter

The theatrical trope as a narrative device in "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
Pypeć, Magdalena
V: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture s. 143-158
Vydáno: 2019.
Book chapter
V: Literature, Music, Drama and Performance in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture s. 143-158
Vydáno: 2019.
Book chapter

A Christmas carol : a therapeutic tale?
Kujawska-Lis, Ewa
(1972- )
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 199-210
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 199-210
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter

The racialized body in "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
Pypeć, Magdalena
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 273-284
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 273-284
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter

"Groping in the dark" : the representation of poverty in Charles Dickens's "Bleak house"
Setecka, Agnieszka
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 285-293
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter
V: From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria : readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 6 s. 285-293
Vydáno: 2018.
Book chapter