Early modern descriptions of Poland as Fynes Moryson's and Peter Mundy's cultural autobiographies = Wczesnonowożytne opisy Polski jako kulturowe autobiografie Fynesa Morysona i Petera Mundy
Guzowska, Dorota
V: Prace Literaturoznawcze. ISSN 2353-5164. [Nr] 5 (2017), s. 9-18
Vydáno: 2017.
Journal article
V: Prace Literaturoznawcze. ISSN 2353-5164. [Nr] 5 (2017), s. 9-18
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Journal article

Early Modern English Scientific Manuscripts in the Hunterian Collection: A Physical Description of Gul, MS Hunter 135
Romero Barranco, Jesús
V: Analecta malacitana: Revista de la Sección de Filología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras ISSN 0211-934X Vol. 39, Nº 1-2, 2017, pags. 277-302
Vydáno: 2017
Journal article
V: Analecta malacitana: Revista de la Sección de Filología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras ISSN 0211-934X Vol. 39, Nº 1-2, 2017, pags. 277-302
Vydáno: 2017
Journal article

Early modern letters online (EMLO) : krótki przewodnik po międzynarodowej internetowej bazie z nowożytną korespondencją od XVI do XVIII wieku
Keiss-Dolańska, Daria
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V: Universitas Gedanensis. ISSN 1230-0152. R. 26, t. 48 (2014), s. 125-190
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Journal article
V: Universitas Gedanensis. ISSN 1230-0152. R. 26, t. 48 (2014), s. 125-190
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Journal article

Early Mysteries, and other Latin poems of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries edited from the original manuscripts in the British Museum, and the libraries of Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, and Vienna

Early novels on Arab spring : prophecy, reality and future
Vydáno: Kraków : Jagiellonian University Press, copyright 2022.

Early Old English nominal system : synchronic declensiosns in the "Vespasian Psalter"
Kolasińska, Paulina
V: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia : an international review of English studies. ISSN 0081-6272. Vol. 48, [nr] 4 (2013), s. 35-48
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Book chapter
V: Studia Anglica Posnaniensia : an international review of English studies. ISSN 0081-6272. Vol. 48, [nr] 4 (2013), s. 35-48
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Book chapter

Early Philippine literature from ancient times to 1940
Vydáno: Manila National Book Store [1971]

Early Polish printing
Partyka, Jacek
(1973- )
V: International Association of Bibliophiles : transactions : Poland, XXVIIth Congress, Kraków, Warsaw : Post-Congress, Toruń, Pelplin, Gdańsk. s. 168-192
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V: International Association of Bibliophiles : transactions : Poland, XXVIIth Congress, Kraków, Warsaw : Post-Congress, Toruń, Pelplin, Gdańsk. s. 168-192
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Book chapter

Early soviet writers : published for the Research Program on the U.S.S.R.
Zavalishin, Vyacheslav
Vydáno: New York Frederick A. Praeger cop. 1985
Vydáno: New York Frederick A. Praeger cop. 1985

Early stages of literature in Medieval Finland
Häkli, Esko
(1936- )
V: Scandinavian review. - ISSN 0098-857X. - 75(1987) : 3, s. 77-80
Journal article
V: Scandinavian review. - ISSN 0098-857X. - 75(1987) : 3, s. 77-80
Journal article

Early struggles
Nowakowski, Marek
V: Index on Censorship R. 1988, t. 17 nr 5, s. 22, 24, 26
Journal article
V: Index on Censorship R. 1988, t. 17 nr 5, s. 22, 24, 26
Journal article

Early syntactic development : a cross-linguistic study with special reference to Finnish

Early urban communes under German law in Halyč-Volhynian Rus' (the thirteen to the mid-fourteenth century)
Janeczek, Andrzej
(1954- )
V: Acta Poloniae Historica. ISSN 0001-6829. [Vol.] 119 (2019), s. 61-82
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Book chapter
V: Acta Poloniae Historica. ISSN 0001-6829. [Vol.] 119 (2019), s. 61-82
Vydáno: 2019.
Book chapter

Early Victorian Novelists Essays in revaluation...

Early winter. A walk with Kim and the boys = Wczesna zima. Przechadzka z Kimem i chłopcami

Early women dramatists, 1550-1800
Rubik, Margarete
Vydáno: Houndmills New York MacMillan ; St. Martin's Press 1998
Vydáno: Houndmills New York MacMillan ; St. Martin's Press 1998

Earmra aergewin (The dream of the rood 19A).
Bammesberger, Alfred
(1938- )
V: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen. - ISSN 0028-3754. - Helsinki : Neuphilologischer Verein in Helsinki. - 100 (1999) : 1, s. 3-5
Journal article
V: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen. - ISSN 0028-3754. - Helsinki : Neuphilologischer Verein in Helsinki. - 100 (1999) : 1, s. 3-5
Journal article
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