Dante a life in works

Textual power literary theory and the teaching of English

Structuralism in literature an introduction

Structuralism in literature an introduction

The Renaissance in Europe an anthology
Vydáno: New Haven ; London Yale University Press in association with The OpenUniversity 2000

Versions of barroque european literature in Seventeenth Century...

The influence of Robert Garnier on elizabethan drama...

Hazlitt the mind of a critic

Out on stage lesbian and gay theatre in the twentieth century

Bibliography of American literature

Reading revolutions the politics of reading in early modern England

Gentile tales the narrative assault on late medieval Jews

Does the New Testament imite Homer? four cases from the Acts of the Apostles
MacDonald, Dennis Ronald
Vydáno: New Haven ; London Yale University Press [2003]
Vydáno: New Haven ; London Yale University Press [2003]

Women writers of early modern Spain Sophia's daughters
Vydáno: New Haven ; London Yale University Press [2004]

Milton and the sense of tradition

A Baedeker of decadence : charting a literary fashion, 1884-1927