Transnational Cervantes

Controlling readers Guillaume de Machaut and his late medieval audience

The first voyage around the world, 1519-1522 : an account of Magellan's expedition
Pigafetta, Antonio
ca. 1480-ca. 1534
Vydáno: Toronto ; Buffalo University of Toronto Press [2007]
Vydáno: Toronto ; Buffalo University of Toronto Press [2007]

Unpopular culture transforming the European comic book in the 1990s

Figuring the feminine the rhetoric of female embodiment in medieval Hispanic literature

The persistence of presence emblem and ritual in Baroque Spain

Marginal subjects gender and deviance in fin-de-siècle Spain

Forms of modernity "Don Quixote" and modern theories of the novel

Seeing politics otherwise : vision in Latin American and Iberian fiction

Celestina and the ends of desire

Dressed to kill : death and meaning in Zaya's "Desengaños"

Cervantes, literature and the discourse of politics

Objects of culture in the literature of Imperial Spain
Vydáno: Toronto University of Toronto Press cop. 2013

Three Spanish "querelle" texts : "Grisel and Mirabella, The slander against women, and The defense of ladies against slanderers" : a bilingual edition and study
Vydáno: Toronto Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies 2013