Marianna Kurtto
Finnish poet
- Sex or Gender:
- žena
- Datum narození:
- 1980
- Místo narození:
- Хельсинки (at present: Helsinky)
- Country of citizenship:
- Finsko
- Povolání:
- básník
překladatel - Viaf ID:
- 197251931
- Mapa
- Bibliographical statistics
- Comparison of roles in bibliography
- Související osoby 20 + 32
- Related corporations 2
Summary for all the roles in which the viewed person appears in the bibliography.
Corporate Author
As main author
As co-author
As subject person
Source Database
Corporate Author
Form, Genre
Publication language
Subject region
Publication place
Marianna Kurtto was the subject of publications in which the main author was:
Ketvel, Roo. 2
Hakala, Anna. 1
Hytönen, Outi, 1
Hytönen, Outi. 1
Itkonen, Juha. 1
Joutsijärvi, Jonimatti. 1
Kantokorpi, Mervi (1958- ) 1
Kettu, Karissa. 1
Kylmänen, Erkki. 1
Laihinen, Marko. 1
Laihinen, Miikka. 1
Manninen, Satu. 1
Martikainen, Taika, 1
Pratt, Stephen. 1
Pääjärvi, Maaria. 1
Saurama, Matti 1
Seppänen, Irina. 1
Urmas, Oili. 1
Marianna Kurtto
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Marianna Kurtto
Ahti, Risto
Envall, Markku
Haapala, Vesa
Kankaanpää, Hannu
Dahl, Rita. 2
Darwin, Charles. 2
Kulmala, Juha (1962- ) 2
Manninen, Satu. 2
Niemi, Juuli (1981- ) 2
Sinivaara, Olli (1980- ) 2
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas. 2
Browne, Janet 1
Carpelan, Bo. 1
Gergely, Ágnes. 1
Gruen, Sara, 1
Hervay, Gizella (1934-1982) 1
Hirvilammi, Teemu. 1
Jávorszky, Béla. 1
Kallio, Helena (1969- ) 1
Khadra, Yasmina. 1
Krúdy, Gyula. 1
Launonen, Hannu (1941- ) 1
Lászlóffy, Aladár. 1
Mallarmé, Stéphane. 1
Mezey, Katalin. 1
Nyrén, Kikka. 1
Oravecz, Imre (1943- ) 1
Pasanen, Kimmo (1943- ) 1
Peltoniemi, Jusa (1973- ) 1
Petri, György. 1
Rauhala, Niilo (1936- ) 1