Jakub Kornhauser Корнхаузер, Якуб

Polish poet, professor, research fellow and translator
- Sex or Gender:
- muž
- Datum narození:
- 1984
- Místo narození:
- Krakov
- Country of citizenship:
- Polsko
- Father:
- Julian Kornhauser
- Povolání:
- vědecký pracovník
literární vědec
literární kritik
literární historik
vysokoškolský učitel
learned literary - Viaf ID:
- 165682085
- Mapa
- Bibliographical statistics
- Comparison of roles in bibliography
- Související osoby 17 + 23
- Related corporations 3
Summary for all the roles in which the viewed person appears in the bibliography.
Corporate Author
As main author
As co-author
As subject person
Source Database
Corporate Author
Corporate Author
Corporate Author
Form, Genre
Publication language
Subject region
Jakub Kornhauser was the subject of publications in which the main author was:
Batorski, Przemysław 1
Dworek, Mateusz (1990- ) 1
Dynkowska, Julia 1
Francuz, Aleksandra (1981- ) 1
Koronkiewicz, Marta (1987- ) 1
Olszewski, Marek (1974- ) 1
Olszewski, Marek (1986- ) 1
Płatek, Karol 1
Sokołowska, Barbara (1967- ) 1
Solecki, Mariusz (1975- ) 1
Szołtysek-Grzesikiewicz, Anna (1982- ) 1
Szymańska, Adriana (1943- ) 1
Wójtowicz, Aleksander (1977- ) 1
Jakub Kornhauser
They were the subject of publications in which the main author was Jakub Kornhauser
Naum, Gellu
Kornhauser, Julian
Zagajewski, Adam
Breton, André
Czyżewski, Tytus (1880-1945) 1
Duda, Andrzej (1972- ) 1
Effenberger, Vratislav (1923-1986) 1
Fajfer, Zenon (1970- ) 1
Gama, Vasco da (ok. 1460-1524) 1
Kornhauser-Duda, Agata (1972- ) 1
Kornhauserowie 1
Krynicki, Ryszard (1943- ) 1
Luca, Ghérasim (1913-1994) 1
Michaux, Henri (1899-1984) 1
Mäkelä, Hannu (1943- ). 1
Pankiewicz, Agata (1962- ) 1
Przybyłko, Marcin (1969- ) 1
Rešin-Tucić, Vujica (1941-2009) 1
Solnit, Rebecca (1961- ) 1
Sulima, Roch (1942- ) 1
Szymborska, Wisława (1923-2012) 1
Todorović, Miroljub (1940- ) 1
Witkiewicz, Stanisław Ignacy (1885-1939) 1