German novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, and sculptor (1927-2015)
More about...Narozen 31.12.1926 v Plotišti nad Labem, zemřel 1990. PhDr., CSc., literární historik, publikace z oboru, překlady ze slovenštiny.
More about...Czech publicist, bookwriter, writer, historic literature writer and servant
More about...Czech poet, theater reviewer, music reviewer, literature reviewer and lawyer
More about...Czech poet, writer and roman catholic priest
More about...German novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, and sculptor (1927-2015)
More about...Narozen 31.12.1926 v Plotišti nad Labem, zemřel 1990. PhDr., CSc., literární historik, publikace z oboru, překlady ze slovenštiny.
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