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Narozen 17.3.1890 v Praze, zemřel 5.9.1965 v Berouně. Středoškolský profesor v Berouně. Beletrista, autor divadelních her, překladatel z(...)

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Czech theatre reviewer, theatre director, publicist and translator

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Czech translator, bookwriter, writer and historic literature writer (1894-1969)

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Czech archivist, playwright and publicist

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Narozen 30.5.1903 v Praze, zemřel 24.12.1975 tamtéž. JUDr., klavírista, profesor konzervatoře, básník, prozaik, dramatik, překlad z italštiny.

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Czech poet, playwright, translator, scriptwriter and writer

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Czech dubbing actor, translator and director

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tschechischer Ingenieur, Diplomat, Autor und Übersetzer

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Czech poet, playwright, germanist, translator, bookwriter and writer

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Czech poet, playwright, exil writer, film director, politic writer and bookwriter

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Czech poet, playwright, political prisoner, translator, bookwriter and scriptwriter (1931-2019)

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Narozen 25.3.1934 v Praze, zemřel 15.3. 2005 v Bathurstu (Austrálie). Básník a dramatik, překladatel z angličtiny.

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Czech poet, translator and writer

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Czech poet, playwright and publicist

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Czech poet, doctor, translator and writer (*1948)

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