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Czech literature historian and university educator (1907-1975)

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Narozen 23.6.1921 v Klatovech, zemřel 29.2.1964 v Praze. PhDr., CSc., pracovník Ústavu pro českou literaturu Československé akademie věd v Praze.(...)

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Czech essayist, estheticist, literary theorist and university educator (1891-1975)

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Czech member of Czech council, historian, translator, university educator and science writer (1846-1929)

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Czech teacher, poet, writer and historian (1853-1917)

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Czech historian, publicist, educator and writer

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Slovak poet, linguist, literature historian, publicist, educator, publicist, translator, writer and science writer

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Czech landscape painter, musician, writer, professor in the Academy of Fine Arts (1863-1956)

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Czech member of Czech council, poet, playwright, publicist and high school educator (1836-1893)

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Czech art historian, sports organizer and founder of the Sokol movement (1832-1884)

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Narozen 24. 1. 1965 v Ústí nad Orlicí. Mgr., redaktor, pedagog na DAMU, dramaturg a publicista. Publikačně je zaměřen především na oblast(...)

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Czech archeologist, educator and writer

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Czech priest, philosopher, historian, religion writer, professor, publicist, translator, theologist, university educator and science writer

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Czech literature historian and university educator (1870-1935)

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Czech publicist and university educator

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Czech indologist, linguist, translator, university educator and science writer (1855-1931)

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Narozen 16. 9. 1974 ve Vsetíně. Básník, literární historik a redaktor. Univerzitní pedagog, recenzent.

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