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Narozen 3. 6. 1926 v Plzni, zemřel 12. 2. 2012 v Palm Coast (USA). Novinář, publicista, redaktor, od roku 1974 v emigraci.

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Narozen 1.6.1961 v Praze. Novinář, publicista, dramaturg a scenárista, cestopisné reportáže.

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Czech publicist, publicist and director of Czech Radio

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Narozen 8. 5. 1936 v Praze, zemřel 16. 12. 2003 tamtéž.

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German Bohemian writer (see GND ID for several pseudonyms)

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Czech journalist, radio reporter and writer (1901-1942)

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Czech politician, journalist, translator and labor leader

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Czech essayist, philosopher, publicist, religion writer, publicist, theologist, university educator and roman catholic priest

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Czech publicist, publicist and writer

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Czech publicist, translator, director, sociologist and university educator

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Narozen 5. 10. 1897 v Praze, zemřel 7. 5. 1984 v Brně. Redaktor, básník, prozaik, romanopisec, textař, autor komediálních aktovek, fejetonista,(...)

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