Czechoslovak arabist, traveller, geographer, orientalist, writer and Roman Catholic priest (1868-1944)
More about...Czech historian, linguist, literature historian, translator and university educator (1807-1882)
More about...Czech poet, ethnographer, linguist, literature historian, publicist, educator, publicist, translator, writer and science writer (1864—1952)
More about...Narozen 8.9.1890 v Praze, zemřel 5.4.1963 v Dolních Počernicích. Středoškolský profesor, publikace z oboru literární historie, školní(...)
More about...Czech anthropologist, literature historian, literature reviewer, professor and university educator
More about...Narozen 28. 12. 1871 v Kamenici nad Lipou, zemřel 27. 1. 1959 v Praze. Středoškolský profesor, redaktor Národních listů, beletrista, publicista.
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