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Narozen 10. 3. 1913 v Praze, zemřel 30. 4. 2003 tamtéž. PhDr., CSc., profesor katedry českého jazyka a literatury, literární historik, pedagog,(...)

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Czech writer and university educator (1913-2000)

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Czech member of Czech council and historian

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Czech poet, publicist and translator

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Czech Catholic priest, philosopher, and theologian

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Czech archivist, poet, literary theorist, translator and bookwriter

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Czech lexicographer, linguist, literature historian, literary theorist, professor, publicist, translator, university educator and science writer

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Czech politician, philosopher, professor, translator, theologist and science writer (1888-1974)

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Czech poet, theater reviewer, playwright, essayist, ethnographer, film reviewer, literature historian, literary theorist, professor, publicist, writer,(...)

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Narozen 23. 10. 1901 ve Chvaleticích u Písku, zemřel 2. 1. 1981 v Praze. PhDr., vysokoškolský profesor, novinář, autor publikací z oblasti(...)

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Czech poet, writer, and philologist

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český básník, prozaik, novinář, překladatel a pedagog

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Czech literature historian and university educator (1860-1930)

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Czech philosopher, historian, religion writer, professor, publicist, translator, theologist, university educator and science writer

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Narozen 21. 5. 1928 v Praze. Prof., PhDr., CSc., filozof, historik a kulturolog, vědecký pracovník a pedagog.

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Czech philosopher, literary theorist and university educator

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