Czech poet, playwright, political prisoner, translator, bookwriter and scriptwriter (1931-2019)
More about...Narozena 20.9.1947 v Praze. Redaktorka, překladatelka, autorka televizních a divadelních her, píše též poezii a prózu.
More about...Czech minister of culture of the CR, publicist and writer
More about...Czech poet, playwright, germanist, translator, bookwriter and writer
More about...Czech poet, playwright, exil writer, film director, politic writer and bookwriter
More about...Czech poet, playwright, political prisoner, translator, bookwriter and scriptwriter (1931-2019)
More about...Czech playwright, translator, bookwriter and scriptwriter
More about...Narozena 20.9.1947 v Praze. Redaktorka, překladatelka, autorka televizních a divadelních her, píše též poezii a prózu.
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