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Czech educator (1800/1803-1844)

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Czech member of Czech council, librettist, local politician and educator

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Czech historian, linguist, literature historian, translator and university educator (1807-1882)

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Czech member of Czech council, educator and roman catholic priest (1807–1892)

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Czech philosopher, doctor and publicist

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Czech doctor, musicologist and translator (1812-1862)

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Russian author, philosopher, and revolutionary (1812-1870)

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Czech educator, science writer and roman catholic priest

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Narozen 20.4.1818 v Dubu u Volyně, zemřel 18.6.1885 v Praze. Učitel, redaktor pedagogických časopisů, učebnice němčiny, pedagogická literatura,(...)

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Czech composer, painter and educator (1819-1882)

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