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Czech editor, translator and writer (1886-1961)

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Narozen 8.9.1890 v Praze, zemřel 5.4.1963 v Dolních Počernicích. Středoškolský profesor, publikace z oboru literární historie, školní(...)

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Czech poet, playwright, bookwriter and writer

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Polish national poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, and political activist (1798-1855)

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Czech poet, religious writer, translator, writer and Roman Catholic priest (1814-1887)

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Finland Swedish author, poet, historian, professor and rector of Helsinki University

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Czech politician, journalist, and poet (1833-1883)

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Czech poet, lexicographer, translator, collector of regional songs, writer and roman catholic priest

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Czech komeniologist, literature historian, literature reviewer, translator and writer

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Narozen 27.7.1902 ve Velké Bystřici u Olomouce, zemřel 24.5.1974 v Praze. Novinář, redaktor Lidových novin, prozaik, autor monografie o J. Vernovi.

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Czech theatre reviewer, theatre director, publicist and translator

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