Czech poet, linguist, publicist, professor, lawyer, publicist, translator, writer, university educator and science writer
More about...Czech member of Czech council, historian, professor, theologist and roman catholic priest (1838-1897)
More about...Czech historian, literature historian, professor, university educator and science writer
More about...Narozen 2.12.1881 v Oseku u Milevska, zemřel 17.2.1935 v Praze. Pedagog, státní úředník. Beletrista, autor divadelních her, překladatel z ruštiny.
More about...Narozen 26.5.1946 v Praze, zemřel 17.5.1996 tamtéž. PhDr., teatrolog, divadelní a literární teoretik, kritik a dramaturg, pedagog DAMU. Autor(...)
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