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austrian philologist and educator

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Czech member of Czech council, poet and publicist

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Czech poet, playwright, publicist, politician and writer (1829-1890)

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Narozen 23. 9. 1829 v Poděbradech, zemřel 23. 10. 1898 tamtéž. Úředník, básník, prozaik, historické spisy, literatura pro mládež, překlady z(...)

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Czech poet, educator and beekeeper (1830-1908)

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Czech attorney, collector and editor of folk tales

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Czech politician, journalist, and poet (1833-1883)

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Narozen 14.12.1833 v Kopidlně, zemřel 27.5.1855 v Praze. JUC., prozaik a básník, publikoval časopisecky.

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Czech poet, theater reviewer, publicist, journalist and writer (1834-1891)

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Czech botanist, professor and translator (1834-1902)

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Czech member of Czech council, publisher and publicist (1835-1911)

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Narozen 10.5.1835 v Střebohosticích u Strakonic, zemřel 24.10.1910 v Praze. Redaktor, básník, prozaik, překladatel zfrancouzštiny.

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Czech member of Czech council, poet, playwright, publicist and high school educator (1836-1893)

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Czech member of Czech council, attorney and local politician

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Narozen 20.3.1836 v Josefově, zemřel 10.2.1879 v Praze. Redaktor humoristických časopisů, beletrista, překladatel z němčiny.

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