Czech politician, poet, theatre director, playwright, librettist and translator (1868-1950)
More about...Narozen 21.7.1882 v Hořovicích, zemřel 12.4.1964 v Praze. PhDr., středoškolský profesor v Praze, literární historik a kritik. Práce v oboru,(...)
More about...Czech statesman, playwright, and former dissident, the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first president of the Czech Republic (1936–2011)
More about...Narozen 11.10.1891 v Nové Huti u Berouna, zemřel 3.6.1965 v Praze. Středoškolský profesor, knihovník, redaktor, publikace z oboru knihovnictví,(...)
More about...Czech poet, theater reviewer, playwright, essayist, philosopher, librettist, literature historian, literary critic, publicist, translator, bookwriter and(...)
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