Czech statesman, playwright, and former dissident, the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first president of the Czech Republic (1936–2011)
More about...Czech anarchist, poet, Esperantist, literature reviewer, publicist, politic writer, translator, writer and art reviewer (1875-1947)
More about...Czech poet, theater reviewer, playwright, essayist, philosopher, librettist, literature historian, literary critic, publicist, translator, bookwriter and(...)
More about...Narozen 10. 2. 1946 v Praze. Mgr., farář Církve československé husitské, básník, výtvarník.
More about...Narozen 21. 10. 1844 v Praze, zemřel 26. 10. 1907 v Karlových Varech. MUDr., básník a politik.
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