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Russian poet, playwright, and novelist (1799–1837)

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French novelist and playwright (1799–1850)

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English philologist and author (1892–1973)

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Irish poet, playwright, and aesthete (1854–1900)

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Swedish novelist, poet and painter (1849–1912)

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French novelist, critic and essayist (1871–1922)

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American author, journalist, and social activist

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French author and Nobel laureate (1869–1951)

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Narozen 13.1.1906 v Brně, zemřel 26.5.1980 v Brně. PhDr., CSc., docent filologie, romanista, literární historik a kritik, prozaik, esejista,(...)

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český básník, esejista, performer a výtvarník

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Anglo-Irish satirist and essayist (1667–1745)

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Czech essayist, philosopher, literary theorist, translator and writer

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