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Czech poet, playwright, publicist and translator (1853-1912)

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Czechoslovak politician, statesman, sociologist and philosopher (1850-1937); first Czechoslovak president

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Czechoslovak member of Czechoslovak national parliament, minister without portfolio, minister of labour and social affairs of the CR, minister of(...)

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Czech poet, ethnographer, linguist, literature historian, publicist, educator, publicist, translator, writer and science writer (1864—1952)

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Czech historian and publicist, member of the Bohemian Diet (1818-1905)

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Czech sociologist, publicist and feminist (1935-2021)

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Czech archivist, historian, publicist and lawyer (1846-1914)

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British philosopher and polymath (1872–1970)

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Estonian poet, philosopher, translator, politician and culture critic (1941-2021)

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Czech philosopher (1936–2021)

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Polish politician and activist (1922-2015)

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Czech member of Czech council, geologist, local politician and high school educator (1825–1887)

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Ukrainian writer, diplomat and dissident

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Polish writer and journalist, former Mayor of Kraków.

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Spanish diplomat, writer and historian (1886-1978)

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