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Czech essayist, philosopher, literature historian, literary critic, professor and translator

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Czech theatre and literary theorist and writer

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český literární historik, kritik a prozaik

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Born on September 6th, 1900 in Kaarina, Finland. Died on September 29th, 1984 in Helsinki, Finland. A Finnish poet, translator and journalist

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Polish poet, professor, research fellow and translator

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polský literární vědec a historik, literární kritik, básník

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Czechoslovak member of Slovak National Council, member of Czechoslovak parliament, academic, poet, literature reviewer and slovak nation politician(...)

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poet, prose writer, dramatist, translator, critic and historian from Russia

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polish professor, historian of 19th and 20th century literature, theorist and literary critic

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Belarusian writer, translator and poet (1931-2008)

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ambassador of Hungary to France, literary historian

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Russian literary scholar (1868-1942)

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Russian-Jewish and Soviet linguist, literary critic, translator and poet, doctor of philological Sciences (1909-1993)

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