German novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, and sculptor (1927-2015)
More about...Narozen 8. 10. 1917 ve Znojmě, zemřel 19. 8. 2009 v Praze. Grafik, karikaturista, ilustrátor, výtvarný redaktor Dikobrazu.
More about...French poet, novelist, politic and dramatist (1802–1885)
More about...German novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, and sculptor (1927-2015)
More about...Czech entomologist, rugby union footballer and coach, writer and artist (1899-1967)
More about...Czech anarchist, poet, illustrator, painter, publicist and writer (1881-1914)
More about...Czech illustrator, painter, caricaturist, scenographer and writer (1887-1957)
More about...Czech poet, occultist, engraver and artist (1884-1969)
More about...Narozen 8. 10. 1917 ve Znojmě, zemřel 19. 8. 2009 v Praze. Grafik, karikaturista, ilustrátor, výtvarný redaktor Dikobrazu.
More about...French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer and filmmaker (1889–1963)
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