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Czech member of Czech council, historian and mayor (1829-1900)

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Czech member of Czech council, historian, publicist and writer

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Narozen 12.7.1845 v Křtěnovicích u Mladé Vožice, zemřel 13.7.1919 v Praze. Středoškolský profesor, historik, publikace z oboru, básník.

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Czech teacher and archaeologist (1846-1919)

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Czech member of Czech council (1849-1914)

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Czech teacher and philologist (1852-1924)

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Czech member of Czech council, politician and cartographer (1854-1921)

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Narozen 15.3.1858 v Ústí nad Orlicí, zemřel 14.1.1939 v Praze. JUDr., hudební spisovatel a historik, muzikologická literatura.

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Czech linguist and high school educator (1858-1911)

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Czech historian, lawyer, translator and university educator

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Czech historian, high school educator and roman catholic priest (1870–1937)

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Czech politician and librarian (1874-1951)

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Narozen 10. 9. 1884 v Praze, zemřel 7. 1. 1908 tamtéž. PhDr., historik a publicista.

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